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1.信じます / I Believe The Promise
(C)Hillsong Publishing
2.主の力 / The Power
(C)Seam of Gold International
3.アウェイクジャパン / Awake Japan
(C)City Praise Productions
4.御国はイエスの中に / This Kingdom
5.麗しく義なるイエスよ / So Beautiful
(C)Garden City Music
6.尽きせぬ愛をあなたに / Just Let Me Say
(C)Maranatha! Music
7.聖なる御名あがめます / You Deserve The Glory
(C)Brannon J. Canes Publishing (C)City Praise Productions
8.聖霊の風の中で / In The Wind Of The Spirit
(C)City Praise Productions
9.リバイバルの火を / Revival Fire, Fall
(C)Integrity's Hosanna! Music
10.日の昇る国 / The Land Of The Rising Sun
(C)City Praise Productions

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