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A number of powerful and poignantly beautiful praises, including original praises that predict a revival in Japan.
A masterpiece that gives faith to win this country to the Lord through songs of Japanese redemption.
Released on May 20, 2000

[Song title]

1.I Believe The Promise
(C)Hillsong Publishing
2.The Power of the Lord
(C)Seam of Gold International
3. Awake Japan / Awake Japan
(C)City Praise Productions
4. This Kingdom is in Jesus
(C) Maranatha! Music
5. So Beautiful and Righteous Jesus
(C)Garden City Music
6. Just Let Me Say
(C)Maranatha! Music
7. You Deserve The Glory
(C)Brannon J. Canes Publishing (C)City Praise Productions
8. In The Wind Of The Spirit
(C)City Praise Productions
9. Revival Fire, Fall
(C)Integrity's Hosanna! Music
10. The Land Of The Rising Sun
(C)City Praise Productions

City Plays 2 Song Book [Land of the Rising Sun - The Land of the Rising Sun -]

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