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Our Vision

主が、”シティプレイズチャーチ” を建てます。

The Lord will build 'City Praise Church'.


We will work together with Him.


Our purpose is to win Japan for Christ


The vision of City Praise Church 

In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
Acts 2:17

A call to the "Land of the Rising Sun"
A vision of Revival....the Land of the
rising sun, Japan’s redemption

Japan, also known as the "land of the rising sun", will experience an intense revival (a restoration of faith in the Creator God) like the breaking forth of a dam burst. We will send out people to carry the message of God's Word from Japan, the edge of the East, throughout Asia and on to the whole world.

As the Gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ is delivered around the world it will lead to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. This will take the good news (gospel) of the forgiveness of sins back to Israel and then the last days (Christ's return) will come.


Our Vision & Dream

CityPraise 3000

CityPraise 3000

Building a praise infused model church that has 3000 members in Tokyo, Shizuoka & Nikko to win the capital of Japan. We will build a strong multi-site church.

Our vision is to win Japan for Christ by building strong local churches in the heart of the three cities of Tokyo, Shizuoka, Nikko. These cities have been responsivle for the spiritual bondage of the capital of Japan for the past 400 years.

Prophecies that we have received


(マタイ 16:18)

On this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. (Mt.16:18)

Church to win the capital

Tokyo is the capital of Japan and ever since the Edo period it has been the center of politics, economics and culture.

If Tokyo changes then Japan will change and if Japan changes then the world will change.

The mission that we have been given is to build a model church of 3,000 members focusing on Tokyo, Shizuoka and Nikko. This is the key to revival in Japan because it will break the spiritual triangle that binds the capital of Tokyo.

 The spiritual bondage which hangs over the capital region, which is the world's most densely populated area with around 36 million people, will be broken. Our vision for this church growth is a Japanese based international church applying the gospel to Japanese society in this cosmopolitan city of Tokyo.

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